Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grindsight is 30-30

First off, I must admit I'm hurt now that the Bigfoot hoax is officially a hoax. Since the day I first cracked open the the Reader's Digest "Strange Stories, Amazing Facts", which we kept next to the Bible, which is where that volume still rests on the bookshelf of my heart, I have wanted to believe that a 7-foot hairy man-beast roams the woods. I was even willing to believe that a couple hicks and a known huckster had discovered its remains. My week-long obsession with this hoax did, however, introduce me to the work of Steve Rubenstein, who is undoubtedly the best living reporter on the faux Bigfoot press conference beat.

But that is not why I write today. No. I write because I have a line-up for the Underground All-Night Party on Saturday, August 30.

In no particular order, we will have:
Trendlenberg, Oh Dorian, Scott Baston, Aaron Irons, Al King, Doski Wo, Da Clay, 9th Gutta, Nomenclature, Magnificent Bastard, and Oh No They Didn't. (We may still add some special guests.)

Right now, it looks like we've got enough to literally go all night. And I intend to see the day break on my actual birthday (Sunday, August 31) even if I don't remember it because of all the booze and fun I'll be having.

Just thought I'd holler at ya with that little tidbit, and soon I'll be putting out more tidbits. Like, we're totally going to have Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Bobbing for Apples. Everyone gets a bag of party favors (while supplies last). And there may be rolling skating while "Planet Rock" plays. In fact, that might be the rule for the evening.


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