Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Rules for Replacing Me

If you don't already know, I'm ready to turn over my column to some eager young champ. The city needs someone who can get out there in a way I can't anymore, and I want to give that opportunity to someone who'll make the most of it.

And, I'm putting this out to the Internet community before I put it in the paper. You have first shot. I hope you like it.

First, applicants must be able to say yes to the following:
A#1) Committed to write one column every two weeks on a deadline, and creating (or linking) a regular blog through our website.
B#2) Dedicated to going out at night at least twice every two weeks, both for things of their choosing and on assignment.
C#3) Can foresee themselves doing this for the next six months to a year, maybe more.
D#4) Willing to be submitted to tests of cunning, talent and ability, as well as demonstrating some feats of strength and acts of drinking prowess.

If you can say yes to all four of these minimal requirements, you may apply for the contest by sending me an email that states: Basic info (name, age, location, etc), where you most often hang out, what you look for in the nightlife, and a brief write-up explaining why you’d be good at what I do as well as any experience that you think comes in handy. Send them to bluecollar_scholar@yahoo.com

Should I like what I see and I invite you into the next phase, be prepared to:
- Write, talk and/or meet with me about this gig.
- Go out on your own, and write about it on-spec, meaning I give you a word limit that you meet on a deadline without the promise of publication. It is solely for testing purposes.
- Shadow me on a night when I’m out then writing about it, meeting to compare my write-up against yours—not in competition but to see what you see vs. what I see.
- Run a gauntlet of late-night tomfoolery, drunks and miscellaneous tests, both those predetermined and those spontaneous. (Like hazing but safer and without immediate physical pain.)

Each of the above represents a different stage in the contest. Not everyone will make it to the gauntlet… or if they’re all excellent they will. Of course, they’ll be practical considerations along the way, like meeting the 11th Hour staff, venue owners, etc. But this is it in a nutshell.

If you succeed and you take over my role as the Night Writer, you will benefit as such:
- Local celebrity-hood
- Print and TV appearances
- Free admission into bars and nightclubs
- Your mom and dad’s hesitant respect
- Perhaps a little dough
- And something to put on your resume.

Seriously, this is going to be fun. While I plan to stick to what I’ve put up here, I’m really mostly concerned with finding someone who has a spirit similar to my own. I want to find people who can love Macon (at least a little more than they hate it), and who will take an opportunity and run, seldom waiting on being told what to do.

Good luck.

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