Tuesday, May 25, 2004

sweet meat potatoe pie

It is utterly amazing how very much I can neglect to do and to what lengths I will go to be lazy.

Sleep. I want it and can't get it. Damn, that last phrase sounds a little too familiar. Point is, I can go to bed at anytime once the sun has gone down and still not drift to sleep. But. But if you give me a couch during the day, I'm done. So I drove my dumb ass down to Byron, faked some more appointments and returned to my little space in Monroe County where I napped for two hours. That made me late for the only legitimate appointment I had.

Fortunately, I'm a genius. Before I left the office, I moved the appointment back. Scheduled to be there between 1 and 1:30pm, I changed it to between 1 and 3pm. Also fortunately, the guy who called me out there was cool and just moved it to Wednesday.

Shortly after I learned that I'd get a second chance, Court-Did-Dig-Dog called so we got lunch. And I went back on my salad only diet at a charming little place off 3rd Avenue. I was wearing my ever-lovely Terminix brand forest green polo shirt and Cintas khakis. CDDD had her dress-up on, which a charming little name tag so everyone would know where she works.

Two days now and she's adjusting to having made a self-professed fool of herself and the loss of her man. Then she's heading out to Colorado. Sob, sob. I don't like losing people, but I'm getting used to it now.

I figured I could take another nap but I'm ready to start getting in shape. So I went running. Up and down Vineville wishing to God I hadn't smoked those last fifty cartons. Take that vainity pounds! And when I'm all bulky with muscles instead of flab, I'll start kicking in fashion magazines. Standing around in my underwear. And If I want to take a nap then, so be it. I won't have to crawl under anyone's house.

Mammaw's giving me another refrigerator. The one we have is busted. My little brother, Big Pimp'n, didn't stay on top of it and the water actually went bad. So there's that and I think it's time to get back in the crib. I miss my place. I miss living within Macon. The rest of this week will be dedicated to getting my happy ass back there. Part of that will include swapping fridges.

And J.C. left me a message. She'd just hit the Community Center up in the ATL where she'll be a-working. Apparently, it was a sight to behold. The highlight was a legless wheelchair bound pimp. Hopefully, she'll get to visit this weekend.

I don't have to work Saturday or Monday and that is so nice to know. Perhaps I can get a little rest and relaxation. More than likely, when Moms comes back she'll con me into chores and the like. Then she'll want to go to the Lake, which would be fine, but then she'll demand we join her on a boat ride. There are a few things I'd rather do. Worse comes to worse, I'll ride a boat.

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